Site Selection Methodology

Project Team.

Typically including representatives from executive team, business unit, logistics, accounting/tax, HR, and others.

 People Working Together

Project Requirements.

Defined by industry. The project team to identify key dates, employee skill requirements, projected headcount, desired labor rates, capital investment, accessibility to customers and suppliers, real estate needs, and infrastructure requirements.

Modeling Relevant Data

Based on meaningful data: workforce, infrastructure, logistics, business climate, economic incentives, and real estate market analysis of candidate locations.

Graphical chart analysis
Railroad connections
Fuente https www openrailwaymap org
Veracruz port
Top 5 Sea ports


TONS IN 2020

Manzanillo, Colima


Veracruz, State of Veracruz


Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán


Altamira, Tamaulipas


Ensenada, Baja California


An Alternative to Panama Canal

By 2024 the "Transoceanic Corridor" will connect the ports of Salina Cruz (Pacific ocean) and Coatzacoalcos (Gulf of Mexico). It will be able to service vessels that are too large to fit into the canal.

Cargo from Asia to the US will travel 8,000 km less when crossing through the "Transisthmic" Corridor compared to the Panama Canal, resulting in fuel savings of up to US$1 million per trip.

At the beginning it could only serve 5% of Panama Canal capacity. Please download our White Paper for more insights.

Download FREE White Paper

View Of Forested Mountains And Beach, Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, Mexico

Site Selection Milestones

Highway transportation
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Logistics and Transportation

Lead Times, installed capacity, Supply Chain Analysis and other data.

Education or Study
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Demographics analysis

Labor requirements, Educational Institutions, technical formation.

Photo Of A Warehouse
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Real Estate Capacity

Industrial space and installed city services. Local tax and incentives.

Lined Wireframe Square Frame

Safety and Quality of Life

KPI include wealth, employment, health, education, and leisure time

Pyramid in Mexico
MIG Mexico Industry Group

Please contact us for general inquiries.



ADDRESS . 615 Insurgentes Sur Av., Nápoles, CDMX. Phone: +52 (55) 3480 9602